Thursday, April 19, 2007

D'Anne's X Files - Ok City Uncovered!

Gotta Get Something Off Your Chest?


On today's McCurtain Website



Okahoma City They Knew

In the middle picture is Jannie who loss her two grandchildren and so since that time has battled to get to the truth with little impact on this government opening a real investigation on the conspiracy to murder via terrorist cells that were financed by Bin Laden prior to WTC on 9/11/01. They all want answers, they all want justice, but look at the mystery death and alleged murder of Attorney Jesse Trudue's brother ....

The Victims Families Got Little help and no real invetigation from our Government tho this was a act of Terrorism and Murder, which some claim has foot prints back into our government itself!

More Cover-up - Lack of Investigation and Fraud

No one in Government Will Open a Real Investigation

Please read these letters

Gagging up evidence of Murder, Conspiracy which is allowing hate groups to operate here in the US without any investigation into ties to Bin Laden, Funding, Conspiracy to coverup the Savings and Loan Scandal via using insurance to pay instead of the Federal Reserve, Ricco, and letting hate groups infiltrate our nations government offices!

Ok City Bombing, and then later the World Trade Center In NYC!

with alleged ties to those within US Goverment and Policing Agencies

"The right-wing in the U.S. is incredibly easy to penetrate if you know how to talk to them. Of course it's easier for a foreigner with an accent. Nobody would ever suspect a German of working for the federal government." (Andreas Carl Strassmeir) Andreas Carl Strassmeir, the son of Guenter Strassmeir who is said to be the architect of German Reunification, first came to the United States because he claimed that he had hoped to work in the operations section of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. Things didn't quite pan out the way "Andy the German" planned. He had several unsuccessful attempts at gaining employment with both the DEA and the INS despite assistance from a retired Air Force Colonel and reported CIA agent. But that didn't dissuade Andy because he let his visa expire and continued to live in the U.S. illegally.

Strassmeir still mystery man in Oklahoma City bombing

By Roger G. Charles and J.D. Cash
Click here for the full article

A retired, senior officer of the nation’s intelligence community has confirmed to this newspaper that the German military-intelligence operative, Andreas Strassmeir, was in fact “working for the German government and the FBI” while residing at the neo-Nazi compound known as Elohim City. Strassmeir resided at this compound for four years and closely associated with members of the neo-Nazi group that planned and conducted the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in downtown Oklahoma City.

This intelligence officer identified a specific document, a post-bombing report, that listed Strassmeir’s role as an agent reporting on neo-Nazi activities as part of a campaign being waged by both German and American governments against such activities. (This newspaper is involved in legal efforts to obtain a copy of this report.)

Twelve years after the April 19 bombing in America’s heartland, this and other recently obtained and compelling evidence confirms what had long been suspected – the bombing was the result of a bungled “sting” operation that sought to disrupt international ties between German and American neo-Nazis. It was a sting operation that went bad, horribly bad.

Strassmeir’s role as a possible German military-intelligence operative in the center of neo-Nazi group responsible for this deadly attack had long puzzled Danny Coulson, one of the three most-senior FBI supervisors in charge of the immediate post-bombing investigation.

In a documentary television program aired by the British Broadcasting Corporation on March 4 of this year, Coulson described how unusual it was, based on his own 31 years in the FBI, that Strassmeir was never interviewed by the FBI before he was allowed to return to Germany in January 1996.

“To my knowledge, he was never interviewed by any FBI agents. He was interviewed [in a trans-Atlantic telephone call] by two Assistant United States Attorneys with an FBI [agent] present on the phone but taking notes. But there was never a face-to- face, sit-down, come-to-Jesus meeting with the FBI. That never occurred.”

In the same BBC program, Strassmeir repeated his oft-repeated denial of any knowledge of or role in the bombing plot.

Coulson was not impressed with Strassmeir’s responses.

“Yeah, well a person can claim a lot of things. But, you are known by the company you keep... if you are hanging out with some Aryans [neo-Nazis] and the Aryans are involved in criminal activity, it’s kind of hard to say you know nothing about it. It’s like hanging out with the choir [and you] didn’t know they sang. It’s exactly the same type of thing. He knew what they were up to. He knew what he was doing there. And we should have interviewed him.”

In November 2003, this newspaper obtained a Jan. 4, 1996, teletype from then-Director of the FBI Louis Freeh that contained information about a telephone call from Tim McVeigh to Strassmeir at Elohim City. While federal prosecutors had admitted that McVeigh called Elohim City on April 5, 1995, asking to speak with Strassmeir, the evidence of this second phone call on April 17 was withheld from McVeigh’s federal trial and from both federal and state trials of Terry Nichols, McVeigh’s co-defendant.

This document contains these two other key facts.

One, this source reported to the FBI that McVeigh had a “lengthy relationship” with Strassmeir. Not only was this document withheld from the defense teams, but the federal prosecutors claimed repeatedly that the largest FBI investigation in the nation’s history up to this time had discovered that McVeigh’s and Strassmeir’s direct contacts consisted only of a short encounter at a Tulsa gun show two years before the bombing. (McVeigh’s phone call of April 4 had been for Strassmeir, who had not been present to take the call.)

And, two, this source reported that Strassmeir was (as of Jan. 4, 1996) residing in North Carolina and had plans to “leave the U.S. via Mexico, in the near future.” The source specified where Strassmeir was staying, and with whom.

No action was taken by the FBI to intercept Strassmeir, who walked across the Texas border into Mexico on or about Jan. 10 in route to his home in Germany.

The above revelations were discovered in November 2003 when this newspaper found a copy of the explosive teletype among more than 300,000 pages of FBI records that were supposedly not directly related to the Oklahoma City bombing, known inside the FBI as “OKBOMB.” Yet, the Oklahoma City bombing case number is clearly shown as being the case under which the teletype was drafted, transmitted and filed.

From this same 300,000 pages is a never-before-disclosed FBI teletype dated December 6, 1995, from the FBI office in St. Louis to the Director and 11 other FBI offices. It contains conclusive proof that the FBI actively investigated connections between the neo-Nazi gang of bank robbers and the Oklahoma City bomb team. (Three of the bank robbers lived with Strassmeir at Elohim City at various times.)

This teletype announced a meeting to be hosted by the St. Louis FBI office on Jan. 9 and 10, 1996, for the purpose of exchanging information about the neo-Nazi bank robbers (know in FBI shorthand as the “BOMBROB” major case).

It further stated that, “... this investigation has been featured on the Oct. 28, 1995 segment of America’s Most Wanted (AMW), which resulted in a possible connection between BOMBROB and OKBOMB.”

The teletype lists nine items to be covered in the Jan. 9-10 meeting. Two of the agenda items are particularly relevant.

“6)Presentation from OKBOMB investigator on status of possible connection with BOMBROB.

“7) Explanation of specifics of possible military connection.”

Following the late-December 1995 interviews of a neo-Nazi leader (who was serving as a sergeant in the U.S. Army at Fort Benning, Georgia) and his wife, the FBI used this sergeant to lure the leaders of the BOMBROB gang to meetings in the Cincinnati, Ohio area where they were arrested. (Richard Lee Guthrie on January 15, and Peter Langan on January 18, 1996.)

An FBI teletype dated Jan. 3, 1996 announced that, “In view of recent developments in the Cincinnati Division [of the FBI]...,” the planned meeting of members of the BOMBROB and OBKBOMB investigation teams in St. Louis on January 9 and 10 was “postponed indefinitely.”

The Army sergeant and his wife received an undisclosed award for their roles in supporting the FBI’s arrests of the BOMBROB leaders in Ohio.

And, whether it was coincidence or not, Strassmeir – “Andy the German” to his neo-Nazi associates – left the United States on January 10.

Recent documents and other information obtained by this newspaper have also confirmed long-held suspicions about Strassmeir’s immigration records, a few of which were released for the federal trials of McVeigh and Nichols.

Specifically, in Strassmeir’s visits to the United States, dating back to 1988, his immigration records listed him with a coded designation that meant he traveled in a special diplomatic status which carried with it diplomatic immunity.

When retired senior FBI official Coulson was asked in the BBC documentary about his continuing suspicions regarding Strassmeir, Coulson replied:

“There is (sic) lots of questions who he is. Who he works for? And does he work for... for someone in the United States? Does he work for the federal government, or does he work for a government overseas? Did he work for the Israelis? The Israelis certainly have an interest in looking at neo-Nazis because of their history. The Germans have a significant problem with neo-Nazis in their country and they were not happy with our investigation here. And, was he working for them? I don’t know the answer to it. What I do know is he wasn’t just bumming around.”

Twelve years after the worst incident of domestic terrorism in the nation’s history, hard evidence continues to surface that directly contradicts the federal government’s claim that all those who perpetrated that horrible crime have been caught, convicted and sentenced.

Strassmeir, for one, is safe from having to answer official questions about his role in OKBOMB. The German government does not extradite German citizens to countries where they could potentially face the death penalty for their criminal conduct.

Here is more on this case:

Ramzi Yousef terrorist involved in both Ok City and the 1993 bombing of the WTC

Willaim L. Pierce Physic and founder of the party

Click here for the full article and sound bit
Note: It is recommended that listeners print the program descriptions for optimum readability. It is emphatically encouraged that listeners use the printed files on the Spitfire website and the audio files on the WFMU websites to create their own research/teaching databases.Summary of FTR#399—For more about the 9/11 attacks, see FTR#391 (periodically updated to include new information). The title of the program is a contraction of “The Turner Diaries” and “Serpent’s Walk”—two Nazi tracts published by the National Alliance—the most important of the domestic Nazi groups. In the context of what follows, it is important to understand that National Alliance’s books are intended as teaching tools and manifestoes.

Beginning with discussion of the FBI’s awareness of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh’s connection to white supremacist groups threatening to blow up Federal buildings, the broadcast reviews the similarity between the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon and the aerial suicide attack on the Pentagon described in “The Turner Diaries.” One of the most thought-provoking aspects of the investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing concerns McVeigh’s association with Andreas Strassmeir, a German neo-Nazi, former Bundeswehr officer and the son of Gunter Strassmeir—Helmut Kohl’s chief of staff and the architect of German reunification. According to an ATF informant who passed a lie-detector test, Strassmeir was the mastermind of the Oklahoma City bombing and McVeigh was his foot soldier. (Turner Diaries Historical Timeline click here)

Highlighting the similarity between “Serpent’s Walk” and “The Turner Diaries,” the program compares the takeover scenarios presented in both books.
The program concludes with discussion of the strategic use of Zionism and Jews as a scapegoat. Particular emphasis is on the career of Otto Von Bolschwing, whose protégé (Helene van Damm) selected the list of people from which Ronald Reagan made his cabinet appointments. In charge of SS intelligence matters in the Middle East, Von Bolschwing conspired with fascist double-agent Jack Philby and King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia in order to provoke the Arabs into siding with the Third Reich.

Program Highlights Include: Andreas Strassmeir’s association with American Nazi attorney Kirk Lyons; Nuclear and bio-terrorism as pretexts for establishing martial law; the role of neo-conservatives from the Reagan administration in Bush’s defense department; Von Bolschwing’s association with Allen Dulles and the CIA; the Von Bolschwing—Jack Philby conspiracy to promote British sponsorship of Jewish emigration to Palestine.

1. 1. Beginning with discussion of recent disclosures concerning Timothy McVeigh’s association with white supremacist organizations, the broadcast relates the fact that the FBI was aware of those associations and apparently failed to communicate this to McVeigh’s defense. Recall that McVeigh was inspired by The Turner Diaries. (For more about the Oklahoma City bombing, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 27, 60, 88, 92, 97, 109, 330, 373, 386. Evidentiary tributaries connecting the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11 are highlighted in FTR#’s 330, 336, 357, 358, 373, 380, 386.) “After the Oklahoma City bombing, FBI investigators gathered evidence linking Timothy McVeigh to white supremacists who had threatened to attack government buildings, investigative memos show. Several of the documents were not provided to the Oklahoma City bomber’s defense before he was convicted. And the FBI agent in charge of the investigation says he never received one teletype from his own headquarters that raised the possibility McVeigh was aided by other accomplices.” (“Memos: FBI Linked Okla. City Bomber McVeigh to White Supremacist Group” [AP]; 2/12/2003; accessed at .)

William Pierce

Pierce, who holds a Ph.D. in "Physics" and is a former college instructor in Oregon, has long held racist and anti-Semitic views. In the 1960s he was assistant to George Lincoln Rockwell, founder and head of the American Nazi Party. In the 1980s he was the mentor of Robert Matthews, founder of The Order, who used The Turner Diaries as a blueprint for the group's "revolutionary" criminal activities. Pierce also heads a pseudo-religious entity, the anti-Semitic "Cosmotheist Church" in West Virginia

2. 2. The program reviews the climactic episode of The Turner Diaries, authored by the late William Pierce, the author of Serpent’s Walk (Serpent's Walk, the descendants of Hitler's SS take over the United States ). Pierce (the head of the National Alliance) has been quite candid in interviews that his “novels” are teaching tools for the Nazi faithful. FTR#’s 330, 373, 386—among other programs—have discussed evidentiary tributaries connecting the Oklahoma City bombing with the attacks of 9/11. It is not require a great leap of faith to see that the seed for the attack on the Pentagon may have come from The Turner Diaries. Although the correspondence is not precise, the suicide attack by a low-flying plane is reminiscent of the events of 9/11. (It is worth noting that Dr. Larry Ford—connected to the CIA and the South African apartheid government’s biological warfare program—was inspired by The Turner Diaries. Ford was connected to right-wing extremist groups in this country and abroad. For more about Ford, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 317, 324, 386.) “I conferred privately with Major Williams of the Washington Field Command for more than an hour on the problem of attacking the Pentagon. The military’s other major command centers were either knocked out on September 8 or subsequently consolidated with the Pentagon, which the top brass apparently regard as impregnable. And it damned near is. We went over every possibility we could think of, and we came up with no really convincing plan—except, perhaps one. That is to make an air delivery of a bomb.” (The Turner Diaries; “Andrew Macdonald;” Barricade Books, Inc. [SC] 1996; Copyright 1978, 1980 William Pierce; ISBN 1-56980-086-3; p. 201. Correction: The ISBN number of this edition of Turner Diaries was incorrectly identified in the description of FTR#398.)

3. 3. “In the massive ring of defenses around the Pentagon there is a great deal of anti-aircraft firepower, but we decided that a small plane, flying just above the ground, might be able to get through the three-mile gauntlet with one of our 60-kiloton warheads. One factor in favor of such an attempt is that we have never before used aircraft in such a way, and we might hope to catch the anti-aircraft crews off their guard.” (Idem.)

4. 4. “Although the military is guarding all civil airfields, it just happens that we have an old crop duster stashed in a barn only a few miles from here. My immediate assignment is to prepare a detailed plan for an aerial attack on the Pentagon by next Monday. We must make a final decision at the time and then without further delay.” (Idem.)

5. 5. “November 9, 1993. It’s still three hours until first light, and all systems are ‘go.’ I’ll use the time to write a few pages—my last diary entry. Then it’s a one-way trip to the Pentagon for me. The warhead is strapped into the front seat of the old Stearman and rigged to detonate either on impact or when I flip a switch in the back seat. Hopefully, I’ll be able to mange a low-level air burst directly over the center of the Pentagon. Failing that, I’ll at least try to fly as close as I can before I’m shot down.” (Ibid.; p. 202.)

6. 6. “It’s been more than four years since I’ve flown, but I’ve thoroughly familiarized myself with the Stearman cockpit and been briefed on the plane’s peculiarities: I don’t anticipate any piloting problems. The barn-hangar here is only eight miles from the Pentagon. We’ll thoroughly warm up the engine in the barn, and when the door is opened I’ll go like a bat out of hell, straight for the Pentagon, at an altitude of about 50 feet. . .” (Idem.)
7. 7. The selection of the date of the attack is worth noting. November 9th is a date that the Nazis commemorated. It was the date of the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 and “Die Krystallnacht” in 1938. “Thus end Earl Turner’s diaries, as unpretentiously as they began. His final mission was successful, of course, as we all are reminded each year on November 9—our traditional Day of the Martyrs.” (Ibid.; p. 205.)

8. 8. Highlighting the links between the Underground Reich and McVeigh, the program sets forth McVeigh’s links to Andreas Strassmeier, the son of Gunter Strassmeir—Helmut Kohl’s chief of staff and the architect of German reunification. It is interesting to note that the Berlin Wall came down on November 9th. (For more about the Underground Reich’s links to the Kohl government and Kohl himself, see FTR#235.) “Strassmeier’s links to McVeigh and America’s violent racialist underground are all the more curious given Andreas’s high-powered family background in Germany. His grandfather was an early member of the Nazi Party. Years later his father, Gunter Strassmeir, served as Helmut Kohl’s de facto chief of staff. A top Christian Democratic official in Berlin, Gunter was also a close friend and advisor to the chancellor. When the Berlin Wall opened in November [9th] 1989, they celebrated together in the streets.” (The Beast Reawakens; Martin A. Lee; Copyright 1997 [HC]; Little, Brown & Co.; ISBN 0-316-51959-6; p. 352.)

9. 9. Andreas Strassmeir’s attorney (and the man who brought Andreas to the United States and introduced him to the white supremacist compound at Elohim City) was Kirk Lyons, an Aryan Nations attorney. As discussed in FTR#27, Lyons represented a group of Nazis and white supremacists who were acquitted of plotting to bomb the Murrah building in the 1980’s. (For more on Kirk Lyons, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 197, 235.) “In 1991, Andreas Strassmeir’s American attorney, the ubiquitous Kirk Lyons, visited his client’s parents at their plush residence in Berlin. Lyons assured Gunter Strassmeir that his son was doing well in the United States. It was Lyons who helped arrange for Andreas to come to America in the first place. Lyons also introduced his young German friend to the folks at Elohim City.” (Ibid.; pp. 352-353.)

10. 10. “On April 18, 1995, the day before the Oklahoma City attack, Kirk Lyons’s North Carolina law office received a fifteen-minute phone call from Timothy McVeigh, who again was using an alias. McVeigh had already cased the federal building in Oklahoma City. The militia movement went on high alert on the second anniversary of the Waco raid. That’s when McVeigh chose to attack, according to a federal indictment, which left open the possibility of a wider conspiracy involving ‘others unknown.’” (Ibid.; p. 353.)

11. 11. According to Carol Howe (an ATF informant who passed a lie-detector test), Strassmeir was the mastermind of the Oklahoma City bombing and McVeigh was his protégé. “ATF informant Howe has gone so far as to peg Andreas Strassmeir as the prime instigator of the bombing She alleges that Strassmeir exerted an extraordinary influence over McVeigh. Strassmeir, who has since moved back to his parents’ house in Berlin, denies any involvement in the Oklahoma City massacre.” (Idem.)

12. 12. Concluding the first side of the program, the broadcast notes the conditions under which the Nazi group “The Order” takes over the country. After a series of nuclear terrorist incidents that devastate the country and lead to a declaration of martial law, the group takes over. (For more about The Turner Diaries and “The Order,” see—among other programs—FTR#’s 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 39, 40.) A desire to destroy the United States and wipe out “the Jews” unites the white supremacist movement and the Islamofascists in a common cause. “Last, and perhaps not least, everyone in the enclave is indisputably White—we dealt summarily with every questionable case—while outside it is the usual godawful assortment of White, mostly White, half-Whites, Gypsies, Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Jews, blacks, Orientals, Arabs, Persians, and everything else under the sun: the typical, cosmopolitan racial goulash one finds in every American metropolitan area these days. Anyone who feels a need for a little ‘brotherhood,’ Jewish style, can leave our enclave. I doubt that many will feel the need.” (The Turner Diaries; p. 200.)

13. 13. “November 2. We had a long meeting this afternoon at which we were briefed on the latest national developments and given new priorities for our local action program.” (Idem.)
14. 14. “There has been remarkably little change in the national situation during the pat six weeks: the government has been able to do very little to restore order in the devastated areas or to compensate for the damage done to the nation’s transportation network, its power generating and distribution facilities, and the other essential components of the national economy. The people are being left on their own to a very large extent, while the System grapples with its own problems, not the least of which is its renewed uncertainty over the reliability of its military forces.” (Idem.)

15. 15. “That lack of change is, in itself, very encouraging, because it means that the System is not recovering the degree of control over the country which it exercised prior to September 8. The government has simply not been able to cope with the chaotic conditions which now prevail throughout wide areas.” (Idem.)

16. 16. “Our units have been doing everything they can in the way of sabotage, of course, just for the purpose of keeping things destabilized. But Revolutionary Command has apparently been waiting to see what sort of intermediate-term situation would gel before deciding the next phase of the Organization’s strategy.” (Idem.)

17. 17. As indicated by the title, the program focuses on points of commonality between Serpent’s Walk and The Turner Diaries. Both “novels” involve a Nazi takeover of the United States and both takeovers take place after the U.S. is devastated by terrorist incidents involving weapons of mass destruction. In Serpent’s Walk, the weapons of destruction are genetically-engineered micro-organisms of apparently Russian origin. (For more about Serpent’s Walk, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 90, 212, 331, 335, 336, 357, 359.) “The news they had picked up in Seattle was bad: many of the great Eastern cities were dead or dying; Houston and Dallas had been infected with a ghastly, bacteria-borne, botulin-like poisoning. Similar outbreaks were now being reported in Cleveland and Cincinnati and Pittsburgh and Boston and Portland and Salt Lake City and Miami and a dozen other places. The nation was being held together only by the most desperate measures imposed by frantic police, National Guard units, and the military. In Detroit, the FBI nabbed a man in the very act of emptying a vial of bacterial broth into a reservoir; the man swallowed the stuff and then leaped into the water anyway. Detroit was now off-limits to anybody not wearing an N.B.C.—nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare—suit. The Army estimated nearly a million deaths in Detroit already. The toxin was delivered through the water supply, but it killed more than those who drank it—and those who came into too-close contact with the drinkers as they vomited and coughed their lives away; wherever it collected, in holding-tanks and sewers, it fumed and bubbled and emitted bacteria-laden mists. When a fire set off a sprinkler system in a discount store in Cleveland, a thousand people died. It was the same all over; Russia’s science had been almost as thorough as America’s in the megadeath department.” (Serpent’s Walk by ‘Randolph D. Calverhall;’ Copyright 1991 [SC]; National Vanguard Books; 0-937944-05-X; p. 145.)

18. 18. “New York, Chicago, and Washington were cemeteries. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, and certain other Western cities had so far escaped. Perhaps the enemy’s distribution system had failed on the West Coast. Perhaps it was just slower, and Death was still on its way. . .” (Idem.)

19. 19. Note that “dispossessed Palestinians and Iranians” were among those delivering the toxins in this scenario. Note also the reference to “Morgan, who served as the American representative for one of the movement’s conglomerates.” This is a thinly-veiled reference to the Bormann organization. “Who was spreading the toxins? The carriers were entering the United States along the drug routes: Miami and the Gulf Coast, the Canadian border and the deserts of the Southwest. Morgan, who served as the American representative for one of the movement’s conglomerates, had heard that most of these people were a motley assortment: druggies with habits so heavy they would risk anything for a pop of smile-dust; the usual dispossessed Palestinians and Iranians; criminals, psychopaths, and madmen whose hatred and greed outweighed their instinct for self-preservation; and mercs willing to escalate war beyond any usual ‘civilized limit.’” (Ibid.; pp. 145-146.)

20. 20. A major focal point of the program is the strategic manipulation of Zionism, Israel and Jews as a scapegoat for the world’s problems. As noted in FTR#397, the Underground Reich has links to the Israeli right-wing and—through the Bormann organization--the Zionist movement as a whole. The rather fanciful notion of “Zionist” control of the government is not limited to Islamofascist or white supremacist propaganda. In a San Francisco Chronicle op-ed column, a Bay Area law professor construes the very real presence of pro-Israel, neo-conservative hawks in the Bush administration as the determining factor in the forthcoming Iraq adventure. This analysis is (in effect) a subtle manipulation of the “Zionist Occupation Government [ZOG]” posited in Turner Diaries. The Bush administration and the Republican Party are anything but “Zionists.” By supporting the Israeli right-wing, they can (partially at least) neutralize the traditionally Democratic Jewish vote and set up Israel for the annihilation long desired by the Underground Reich. In that context, one should note that a key element of the Republican Party consists of fundamentalist Christians, who see the forthcoming adventure in Iraq as part of “The End Times.” The re-establishment of Israel, the conversion of as many Jews as possible to Christianity, “Armageddon” and the annihilation of Israel are seen as the fulfillment of Biblical “prophecy” and events heralding the Second Coming of Christ. “Why the determination to overthrow the Iraqi regime? One key is the special regard of the hawks for Israel’s right-wing elements. A number of senior Bush officials, including Wolfowitz, Feith and others, have strong affiliations with the Likud Party of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (as documented by Bill and Kathleen Christison in the online magazine Counterpunch). Feith and Defense Policy Board member Richard Perle, for example, helped author a 1996 study for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu describing Hussein’s overthrow as ‘an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right—[and] a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions.’ Interestingly, the study for the Israeli government also advocated resort to pre-emptive strike—a theme now taken up by President Bush.” (“American Jihad” by George Bisharat; San Francisco Chronicle; 2/13/2003; p. A27.)

21. 21. “If an Iraqi attack on the United States is far-fetched, a rejuvenated Iraq could eventually alter the regional balance of power now favorable to Israel. Iraq is the only Arab state to combine oil wealth, water and a large population (more than 23 million), making it a potential powerhouse. War on Iraq would eliminate, for the foreseeable future, any obstacle to a disposition of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on terms that satisfy Israel’s territorial ambitions on most or all of the West Bank.” (Idem.)

22. 22. “Israel is quietly exultant at the turn in U.S. policy, occasionally hinting that Iran or Syria should be next. Israeli Deputy Interior Minister Gideon Ezra suggested to the Christian Science Monitor in August that a U.S. attack on Iraq will help Israel impose a new order, without Yasser Arafat, in the Palestinian territories: ‘The more aggressive the attack is, the more it will help Israel against the Palestinians. The understanding would be that what is good to do in Iraq, is also good for here.’ A U.S. strike would ‘undoubtedly deal a psychological blow’ to the Palestinians and would help Israel vis-à-vis Syria, Ezra added.” (Idem.)
23. 23. “Does this mean that we are going to war for Israel, rather than the United States?” (Idem.)

24. 24. The focal point of the remainder of the broadcast is Otto von Bolschwing, one of the principal officers in administering Hitler’s liquidation of the Jews. (For more about Von Bolschwing, see RFA#’s 3, 30—available from Spitfire, as well as FTR#’s 180, 216, 221, 222, 332.) In addition to his own significance, Von Bolschwing is noteworthy because Helene van Damm (a protégé of Von Bolschwing’s) selected the lists of personnel from which Ronald Reagan’s cabinet appointments were made. It is Mr. Emory’s conviction that the Reagan administrations (and the administrations of both Georges Bush) are fronts for the “Underground Reich” and the remarkable and deadly Bormann organization.

25. 25. A protégé of Von Bolschwing, Helene van Damm is highlighted in FTR#332. Key aspects of her background suggest that her involvement with Von Bolschwing and her journey to the United States were both conducted under the auspices of the Underground Reich and its infiltration of the U.S. intelligence community. The Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit and the security directorate of the Bormann organization provided the vehicle for much of this infiltration, as did Allen Dulles’ Crusade For Freedom. (For more about the Gehlen spy outfit, see—among other programs—RFA#’s 3, 14, 15, 36, 37, as well as FTR#180.) As noted in RFA#37, as well as FTR#180, even when Gehlen was ostensibly working for the U.S., he was still clearing his actions with admiral Von Doenitz (who succeeded Hitler as the German head of state) and Franz Halder (who had been Gehlen’s chief-of-staff). This indicates that the Third Reich’s chain of command was still in effect.

26. 26. Summarizing aspects of van Damm’s career, the program notes that she came to the United States after marrying a member of the same military intelligence unit in which Richard Clark (Reagan’s second national security advisor) had served. She divorced her husband shortly after coming to the U.S.—a common stratagem used by intelligence services to move people across international borders and establish them as citizens. She eventually married Christian van Damm and kept his last name, even after she divorced him. As of 1982, Christian van Damm was serving as the head of Bank of America’s La Paz (Bolivia) branch. (The question of whether Mr. van Damm may have been helping to bank some of the cocaine profits generated by Klaus Barbie and his “Bridegrooms of Death” mercenaries is one that suggests itself. For more about Barbie, see—among other programs--RFA#’s 19, 27, available from Spitfire.)

27. 27. The concluding section of the program deals with Otto von Bolschwing’s cynical manipulation of Zionism as a vehicle for alienating the Arabs and inflaming their anger toward the British. In effect, the Jews were being used as “agents provacateurs,” in order to win the Arabs’ sympathies over to the Axis. The central question to be considered here is the extent to which the “neo-conservatives” referred to by Mr. Bisharat may have been included in Von Bolschwing protégé van Damm’s list of Reagan appointees in order to scapegoat them at a future time. To what extent are Wolfowitz & company fall guys for the Underground Reich? “Eichmann was replaced on the Middle Eastern scene by a far more skilled intelligence officer, Otto Von Bolschwing. Before World War II, Von Bolschwing set up an import-export business in Palestine as a cover for his espionage initiatives. He was an educated man from a good family and an enthusiastic supporter of Hitler. After the war, Von Bolschwing became one of Allen Dulles’s senior agents in the CIA.” (The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People; John Loftus and Mark Aarons; Copyright 1994 [SC]; St. Martin’s Press; ISBN 0-312-15648-0; p. 46.)

28. 28. It should be noted that Bush family business associate Allen Dulles brought Von Bolschwing to the United States. Dulles and British spy (and Nazi double agent) Jack Philby were instrumental in helping Ibn Saud establish Saudi Arabia. (For more about Dulles, Ibn Saud, Philby and the founding of Saudi Arabia, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 346, 361.) “Dulles helped Von Bolschwing emigrate to California, where he established a business association with Helene Van Damm, later Ronald Reagan’s ambassador to Austria. In later years, his business went bankrupt and he was forced to surrender his American citizenship on the grounds that he was a Nazi war criminal. He was just the sort of fellow to get along well with jack Philby. He hated Jews.” (Idem.)

29. 29. “In the 1930’s, Otto Von Bolschwing was a realist. He knew full well that the Moslem bigots would never accept even a token immigration of Jews to Palestine. Philby agreed. After more than a decade of anti-Zionist propaganda, quietly supervised by the British secret service, the climate was hardly receptive toward a homeland for the Jews in the Middle East. Still, there was profit to be made in the attempt.” (Idem.)

30. 30. “In any future war, Von Bolschwing said, the support of the Moslem world was essential to Hitler’s plans. Not to mention that Philby and Ibn Saud could make a healthy profit by secretly ensuring Germany’s supply of oil. Hitler would guarantee that the Moslems received favored status. Indeed, they later had their own SS division, raised, ironically, from among the Bosnian-Moslem population subjected to ‘ethnic cleansing’ by the Serbs and Croats fifty years later.” (Idem.)

31. 31. “The SS division was personally blessed by Philby’s old friend, the grand mufti of Jerusalem. The mufti had been Hitler’s honored guest and was even taken on guided tours of the Nazi death camps. Hitler promised that when Germany won the war, he would guarantee that the Arab states would be free of British colonial domination. They would be independent states, and full allies with the Third Reich. All of Philby’s dreams could come to pass. All that was needed was a little push.” (Idem.)

32. 32. “Von Bolschwing’s proposition was simple. Philby should encourage British support for Zionist emigration schemes, penetrate the secret negotiations, and then leak them to the press, with the certain knowledge of the popular discontent that would result among Moslems. The Arab backlash to a new British-Zionist initiative might not drive the region into the arms of the Third Reich, but it would certainly keep the oil-producing Arabs ‘neutral,’ but actually tilting toward the Nazis.” (Ibid.; pp. 46-47.)

33. 33. “It was no secret that Ibn Saud had more than a little sympathy for the German position on the Zionist issue. His extreme anti-Jewish feelings were made clear to a British diplomat in 1937. The king said his ‘hatred for the Jews’ stemmed from ‘their persecution and rejection’ of Christ and ‘their subsequent rejection’ of Muhammed. Ibn Saud added that ‘for a Muslim to kill a Jew [in war], or for him to be killed by a Jew, ensures him an immediate entry in Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty.” (Ibid.; p. 47.)

34. 34. “According to several of our sources, this was one of the aspects of Islam that most appealed to Philby. He had all sorts of schemes that could aid the Nazis, who meant business when it came to the Jews. Our sources say Jack obtained the king’s permission to become a double agent for the Third Reich, publicly helping the Jews, privately aiding the nazis, always making a profit for the House of Saud and, naturally, himself. The scheme appealed to Philby’s clandestine nature. The more he worked to link Britain and Zionism publicly, the more damage he could do to the empire’s position in the Middle East. . . .” (Idem.)

35. 35. “In fact, the king and Jack were playing a nasty little game with the Jews. Despite their ‘disagreement’ over the partition plan, in early 1939, Ibn Saud sent Philby to London to be on hand for the Palestine Round Table Conference. It does seem rather strange that the king would send someone whose views conflicted so clearly with his own. Apparently, Philby’s true mission was sabotage.” (Idem.)

36. 36. “In order to set all sides against each other, Philby developed his own plan on the Palestine question, which he put to British officials as well as to the Jews and Arabs. In February 1939, he had a secret lunch with [Chaim] Weizmann and [David] Ben-Gurion, and introduced the Zionist leaders to Fuad Hamza, Ibn Saud’s long-time foreign affairs official. Philby offered the Zionists substantial Jewish immigration into Palestine if they would support the country coming under Saudi domination.” (Ibid.; pp. 47-48.)

37. 37. “Weizmann was blamed when the ‘secret’ plan was leaked to the press, and there was no further progress. As will be seen, all of Philby’s schemes with the Zionists had a suspicious habit of coming to nothing. There is a definite pattern of sabotage, with the Zionists as ‘fall guys’ every time. Amazingly, the Zionists stuck by Philby for nearly five critical years, while he treated the game as an auction.” (Ibid.; p. 48.)

38. 38. In evaluating the Bush administration, it is worth noting how many of its people were among those selected by Von Bolschwing protégé Helene van Damm. One should not fail to note that the martial law contingency plans described in RFA#32 were devised under the auspices of George Bush and the PCPG described in FTR#’s 174, 347. As mentioned in FTR#32, these plans called for the deputization of paramilitary right-wingers in the event of a declaration of martial law. (For an evaluation of the Bush family’s relationship to the Bormann organization and the Underground Reich, see—among other programs—FTR#’s 248, 273, 370.)
FTR#399—The Serpent’s Diaries—(Two 30-minute segments) (Sources are noted in parentheses.) (Recorded on 2/16/2003.)
Note: FTR#’s 260-316, 317, 324, FTR#325 and succeeding programs are streaming on Real Audio at FTR#’s 01-270, 316-324 are available for download only, also on Real Audio, on their Archive Page.)

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In his letter, Nichols alleged that gun dealer Roger Moore -- who provided key testimony for the prosecution in Nichols' 1997 conspiracy trial -- was an FBI "provocateur" who sold explosives to Timothy McVeigh, who was executed in 2001 as primary perpetrator of the April 19, 1995 bombing that killed 168.In a crucial new allegation, however, Nichols wrote to Trentadue that Moore also sold bomb-making material to a group of white supremacist bank robbers long suspected of playing a role in the bombing -- the Midwest Bank Robbers, also known as the Aryan Republican Army."Roger Moore is a government provocateur who not only provided Timothy McVeigh with Kinestik (a 2-part binary explosive) but he also provided others with explosive components, including those with the Midwest Bank Robbers," Nichols wrote.In a September 2006 letter to attorney Jesse Trentadue, the convicted Oklahoma City bombing conspirator claimed that the Bureau of Prisons has prevented him from speaking with the press. Trentadue provided a copy of the letter to INTELWIRE after Nichols agreed to its release in the media. Click here to read the letter.Nichols is serving out a life sentence in a maximum security cell block alongside some of the world's most dangerous criminals, including

Ramzi Yousef, Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski and mob informant Gregory Scarpa Jr.
Ok City Report:

Today, the AP is reporting that a letter written by Terry Nichols from prison acknowledges that a third man helped with the bombing. The man named by Nichols is Roger Moore (who may also be known as Robert Miller). From the letter Nichols wrote to a member of an OKC victim family member:
"That case of nitromethane came directly from Roger Moore's Royal, Arkansas, home, and his prints should be found on that box and/or tubes, and Karen Anderson's prints may be there as well," Nichols wrote. "The Fed Gov't knows of Roger Moore's corrupt activities and they are protecting him and covering up his involvement with McVeigh at the OKC bombing!" Nichols wrote.

Osama Bin Laden Connection to Financing European Hate Group and also in the USA.

Activities: Bin Laden masterminded and financed several of the past decade's ... with Egyptian Islamic extremist groups, such as Egyptian Islamic Jihad.....

Osama bin Laden laid out this strategy in a letter to the Taliban leader, ... which he explained his intention to build an Aryan super-state in Germany (more on the structure of these hate groups tied into Bin Laden (click here)

Another suicide or another cover-up?Lawyer makes the case that his brother was tortured, murdered in federal prison

Posted: October 13, 19971:00 a.m. Eastern
By Sarah Foster© 1997

In another life, Kenneth Trentadue had been a bank robber. After serving seven years of a 20-year sentence, he was paroled in 1988 and, as ex-cons are supposed to do, tried to put his criminal past behind him. He got a job with a construction firm, married, and in June, 1995, became the proud father of a son. By all appearances, Trentadue, 44, had successfully turned his life around and had everything to live for.

But he had one problem -- a minor parole violation on his record from 1989. The law caught up with him a month after his son's birth, and he was arrested. On Aug. 18 he was flown from the Metropolitan Correctional Center in San Diego to the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City, a major facility of the Justice Department's Bureau of Prisons, to await his hearing. According to family members, he wasn't worried. At most his sentence would be six months, more likely, three. He'd probably be home for Christmas.

The Federal Transfer Center is a new, $80 million high-tech facility at the edge of Will Rogers World Airport. It's not only the transfer point for prisoners being taken to penitentiaries in the federal prison system, it also houses the parole board and hearing rooms.

Like everyone who is admitted into the prison system, Kenneth underwent routine psychological tests to determine if he had suicidal tendencies. The results indicated he didn't. Nevertheless, he was placed, for some unknown reason, in a specially designed, suicide-proof cell in a special unit on the seventh floor that's segregated from the general prison population. A form bearing the signature Vance Brockway -- an alias he used in his bank robbery days -- indicates he asked to be placed in protective custody. Family members say it was a forgery.

On Aug. 21, 1995, Trentadue died in that isolation cell. Officials promptly declared the death a suicide. Trentadue, who was scheduled for a parole hearing, hanged himself from an air vent using a 23-inch length of braid he fashioned from a bed sheet, according to prison officials. The following day the Inspector General's Office of the Justice Department ruled that no "prosecutable federal crime had occurred."

Two years later, that's still the official government line despite a staggering amount of evidence indicating Trentadue was murdered.

Kenneth's mother, Wilma Trentadue of Westminster, Calif., was the first family member to learn of his death. The phone call from acting warden Marie Carter came at 6:40 a.m., informing her that her son had committed suicide a few hours earlier, sometime between 9 p.m. the night before and 3 a.m. that morning. Carter offered to have the body cremated at prison expense. Suspicious, Mrs. Trentadue said she'd consult Kenneth's wife and his brother, Jesse Trentadue, a Salt Lake City attorney.

Wife? Brother? Prison records didn't show he was married. Nor was there any record of his having a trial lawyer -- a former law professor -- for a brother. The records listed his mother and sister as his only family.

Jesse Trentadue was as suspicious as his mother. No cremation, he said, and directed the body be sent to a funeral parlor near Kenneth's home in Westminster. It was five days before the casket arrived. Kenneth's face was covered with an unusually thick coating of pancake makeup. His broad, six-foot frame had been dressed in a suit.

"They (Kenneth's mother, his wife Carmen, and sister Donna) scraped off the makeup and found he was bruised from the top of his head to the soles of his feet," says George Hansen, former seven-term Republican congressman from Idaho and founder of the U.S. Citizens Commission on Human Rights -- a newly-formed grass-roots organization which has been working closely with the Trentadue family. "An autopsy showed he had been garrotted -- probably with the braided sheet. His throat was cut and torn out. His head was smashed in three places. He had been burned on the face, shoulders and tailbone with an electrical stun-gun. Under his arms were deep bruises showing how he had been held while others beat up on him. There was blood all over the place, according to the guy that had to clean it up afterwards. It was a fight for his life."

The cover-up of this ghastly crime began before the victim was dead.

A call to 911 was made at approximately 3:20 a.m., but when the paramedics arrived they weren't allowed in the cell to resuscitate Trentadue, though supposedly he was still alive. Minutes later -- having been sent away, then called back to confirm his death -- they were told the massive injuries they saw on the body (now removed to another room) were caused by Trentadue falling and hitting his head on the sink while trying to hang himself. They never saw the death cell itself.

Investigators for Dr. Fred Jordan, Oklahoma City's chief medical examiner, were also denied access to the scene -- a violation of state and federal law, according to Jesse Trentadue. This, despite the fact that Jordan's job includes investigating the deaths of prisoners at the center. Jordan performed an autopsy that morning and ruled that Kenneth Trentadue had died of asphyxiation, in a manner "unknown."

Without viewing the death scene, the medical examiner refused to declare the obviously battered body a suicide. Jordan asked the FBI to investigate the death, but that agency soon turned the investigation over to the Bureau of Prisons.
Wallace Cheney, assistant director of the Bureau of Prisons, tried to assuage concerns raised by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In a letter to the senator dated April 4, 1996, Cheney wrote:

"On that same morning (August 21), a representative of the Oklahoma Medical Examiner's Office came to the institution, viewed Kenneth Michael Trentadue and examined the cell. The cell had not been disturbed except for the removal of the body."

Jordan has publicly discounted that statement as "a lie." No one from his office was granted access for five months. By then the cell had been cleaned many times. Yet when the medical examiner's chief investigator Kevin Rowland applied Luminol, a chemical able to detect blood invisible to the eye, "the place lit up like a Christmas tree," Jordan says.
This corroborates descriptions by a prisoner who cleaned the cell within hours of the death, and of Rasonda Chisholm, a licensed practical nurse, who supervised the work.

"It was a bloodbath," said former inmate orderly Steven Cole. "There was blood on the floor and splattered all over the walls." There were bloody fingerprints around the alarm button near the door inside the cell. "From those fingerprints, it seemed to me as though he had been trying to reach the alarm button when he was killed," he said.

Chisholm recalled asking the attending officer about the blood. She was told Trentadue was so determined to commit suicide that he bashed his skull during a fall, then climbed on the sink to finish the job.

"I can't imagine, you know, losing that much blood and apiece of your skulland you're able to climb back up on the sink," said Chisholm.

With dogged determination, Jesse Trentadue compiled a mass of compelling evidence that counters the official version of his brother's death at every point -- including depositions from key witnesses. Eventually, Attorney General Janet Reno was forced to order a federal grand jury investigation. One has been meeting off and on since last October. Trentadue calls the proceedings "a sham." Witnesses Cole, Chisholm and others haven't been called, though their names were given to the federal prosecutor.

Last April, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, attempted to get some explanations from Reno during a committee hearing on the Justice Department's budget.

"I fear the Department is not taking this investigation seriously," he told her. Hatch said the department had denied his requests for information because, he was told, an investigation was "pending."

Reno promised to check with the prosecutors "to make sure that everything is being done that we can do."

Hatch tried again. "Two or three hours a month is not a very active grand jury," he said. "It looks as though somebody in the Bureau of Prisons, or having relationships with the Bureau of Prisons, murdered the man."

Reno said she couldn't comment, but agreed to have the matter "vigorously pursued."
Fortunately, the federal grand jury isn't the only vehicle for getting at the truth. Jesse Trentadue has filed a civil suit against officials of the Justice Department and the Bureau of Prisons for wrongful death and violation of civil rights. And an Oklahoma county grand jury, empaneled to probe further in the Oklahoma City bombing case, is also investigating the Trentadue death, prompted by the efforts of Dr. Jordan and former Rep. Hansen.
"We know a great deal about the case," says Hansen. "We know it was done by a 12-man SORT (Special Operations Response Team) outfit in full riot gear. We know the names of the people who cleaned up the cell and of the guy in the laundry room when the guards brought in their bloody clothes. We have the names of the guys who were on the shift that probably did the killing. They've been turned over to the grand juries."

What's not known is why. Hansen speculates: "One scenario is, he was a bad apple and got in a fight with the guards. But that doesn't fit from what we know about him -- and it doesn't explain why he was killed. Another scenario is the guards figured he had heard something and tried to beat it (the information) out of him. And things got out of control."
"No matter who did it or why, there are eight killers walking around free," says Hansen "We want them arrested and brough to justice even if they do work for the federal government."
Jesse Trentadue also wonders. "I go round and round on that 24 hours a day," he says. "I still have no answers."

"They didn't only kill him, he was extensively tortured first -- then they killed him and tried to cover it up," said Jesse Trentadue. "It's not just the guards at the prison who are trying to cover this up. It's coming from the highest levels of the Justice Department."

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